Thursday, March 01, 2007

We will dance

On thursday my morning began heavy. And as i read about some stuff that was bothering one of my daughters, i thought my heart sank a little more.

Just then i heard this in my mind "The Lord knows that i'm not someone who gives up easily".

i was only slightly comforted. Then this song came on in my music playlist...

and i had a beautiful encounter with Jesus, right in my office.

I was still sitting on my chair, but as the music swayed on, i saw myself dancing... with Jesus right before me. As the lyrics flowed and as we danced, i felt so close to Jesus and secure in His love for me like never before. As i rested in the moment, the heaviness in my heart divinely fell away, and joy welled up so instantly in me, together with grins and tears of delight so abundantly at a time when i thought i could not smile at all.

No person has ever made me feel this way before.

And i told my Greatest Lover, "Yes, dance with me eternally. Only You can make me feel so joyful and secure in Love when i dance with You.

And yes, now i tell You again Lord, i am not someone who gives up easily. I will not give up trusting You in all situations!" =)

[lyrics of the song We Will Dance by Steven Curtis Chapman]

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