Monday, October 02, 2006

Unusual things.

i couldn't help koping this video from Bongshua Teo-Pei-Pio's blog. Yes it is wacky and whacky!

"I wanna eat pancakes.........they are so very tasty....". I bet you will sing this along with me after watching the video. Ha.

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(Click on to enlarge image)

I have a soft spot for dolphins (Don't ask me why, haha). But this particular tail-less dolphin, Winter, jerks me with her life story. Such courage and resilience to live and adapt to life circumstances! Here is one dolphin which never gives up. (Click on her name to read her life story)

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i will be away in Japan from 3-15 October. Hope the pancakes video entertain you while i am away, especially for the dear students who are having their exams. Bless you to know that you can do all things thru' Christ who strengthens you! =)

Watch this space for Japanese updates, and also MOLTokyo!


Anonymous said...

haha, that's one funny pancake video!

Paula said...

I love dolphins, too!

I don't tell you often enough, but your comments on Gracereign are such an encouragement to me. I just read the reason behind the name of your blog and that is so cool! I think we share some of the same passions.

BTW, I've meant to tell you this for a while--you are so beautiful! I love your picture.

mirabop said...

Hi Paula!

Thanks. :) You have been an huge encouragement to me too. Thank God for linking you to me. Im so glad that we share common interests and passions, sometimes even struggles. :)

Most importantly, i thank God for a sister-in-Christ like you! :) Keep shining beautifully.