Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Peculiar Happenings. Part II

Remember the 'peculiar' happening described in my previous post? Yet another 'peculiar' thing happened to another girl i know! *say Wah*

I met this dear girl D at a camp in January, we have talked probably 5 times online since then. Ha. She popped up absolutely suddenly in a msn chat window, saying...

D: Are you a Christian? I'm becoming one too!
me: Wow, tell me more!
D: Well God reached out to me... (click)

i was at this church and they were having praise and worship. The auditorium was a very cold place, (and) the pastor told us to reach out to Him, and stretch our hands out.
When i did (so),
this warm feeling just came over me.

i dont know to explain it. (But) i knew it was going to be the right choice. =)

And i was doing my quiet time yesterday. An image of (a) lighthouse appeared in my mind and when i randomly opened this prayer book thing, it was a page saying that lighthouses are a symbol of churches.

* * *

Wow i am once again BOWLED OVER by God's grace. God really does speak, when we want to hear. And when He speaks, He does so to draw us closer into His presence or the knowledge of His will for our lives. He is soooooo real...His heart bursting in Love for us, like always.

Dear D, your testimony has encouraged me deeply too. It has brought me to tears of gratitude once again, that truly we are all saved by God's grace (Ephesians 2:5). I bless you to know that as you draw nearer to God, He WILL draw nearer to you. And He WILL lead you to the wonderful purpose He has set upon your life. =)

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