Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Do you hear the sounds within the silence?

06 feb . 2006 .
Time lingered silently in the early morning of Hokkaido at its central seafood market. Call me easily distracted or impossibly curious; wanderlust puffed up within me once again and there was no way i would simply gawk here at...seafood. That was what all tourists came here for. Not me. Armed with my friend's PowerShot-ter and a trained eye for details, I looked for my own subject matters of interest, and found these...

My two favourite shots at a seafood market >

i am always fascinated at how fallen snow spills over the edges of objects and then falls short of falling to the ground. That intriguing moment of freezing something in mid-air.... and dalaa, a certain form and shape takes place and stays.

i had a lot of fun capturing these vanilla icecream block lookalikes!

^ Spillover . A temporal connection. between the traffic lights and the roof.

A big black bird paused on the cables just beside the traffic lights. I aimed my PowerShot-ter in focus of this new juxtaposition, but the shy blackie sprang into rapid sudden flight, leaving me a shower of playful snowbits which i thought was an even more beautiful phenomenon than before...

Hear the quiet ruffles of the falling snow...

^ someone was here

That is me. I see(k) life and beauty in the supposedly mundane and outcast corners of places. Sometimes it was accidental beauty; others, beauty through its beholder's eyes. You do not have to see eye-to-eye with me, but i encourage you to be a tad more observant towards the details and little happenings around you. There can be fun, joy and or even an sparkle in every little thing. =)

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