Friday, August 25, 2006

jungle gals wear skirts. Orr..eeee..orrrr!

My office attire did not deter me from treading the jungle track (though not unbeaten) this afternoon. Was at SAFTI (Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute) Military Institute to oversee a project, and lunchtime was boring while waiting for some SAFTI personnel to return. Yes i couldnt sit still. So off i went, pulling my not-too-keen colleague along, into the greens! Definitely much more interesting than the airconditioned facilities! =)


Anonymous said...

儿子说: Hey hi MUM yeah. remember to mail me the registration form for the standard charted yeah. "haaa 10 10 1... 2..... 3....". waaa isnt that tarzans language haaaa "orr eeee orr" G dtry for todays contest yeah ( me actually got nthg much to talk about the contest just stand there and o_0.)

mirabop said...

Your presence already means a lot to me, er-zi! =)