Tuesday, August 08, 2006

i think i am easily amused.

Here is one recent silly joke that crossed my path.

K: Hey so you were the Lord's Supper....
i paused, waiting for him to close his sentence, which somehow drifted into thin air just like that.
me: Nope, they didn't serve me on the plate just now.

Ha i am sorry Kenny, didn't mean to poke fun at your sentence. But my imagination was being playful. Anyway, i think 'Lord's Supper personnel' sounds overly serious. It was simply serving. =)

* * *

i love this picture. ahmi Yueh Ping was praying for me at GCYC, after a short but good catch-up.

thanks bongshua teo for capturing this gentle yet moving shot.


Anonymous said...

Hi sis,

Love your drawings, especially the one of the boat.

Ching Wah

mirabop said...

hey dear sis!!!
what a pleasant surprise. And thanks!
