Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bearing it A L O N E ?

Recently i had the chance to speak more with a dear girl in church. It began as an approach of discipline over something that i felt she had not handled well. But as i waited to pray before going to her, an incomprehensible compassion for her welled up and i spoke to her really gently.

The compassion deepened as i realised thru' talking with her, that she was struggling with something that i myself had struggled hard with before - an inability to ask for help. Yes, she bore these familiar mentalities - "i don't want to burden my loved ones...", "i just can't admit my needs in front of others..", etc.

Our families do not communicate a lot, that could be one common root factor. But beyond recognising this, i wanted her to know that no one can bear it all him/herself. I was brought to remember who finally convicted me in this. It was none other than Jesus.

In Jesus' darkest hour of pain and helplessness, kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane, do you remember what He said?

(To His closest disciples Peter, James and John) "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here... and keep watch with me" ~ Matthew 26:38b

Read on about Jesus' moments of anguish: (Click on image)

If even Jesus asked for support and companionship during such times, who are we to think that we can bear it alone?

* * *

What God says in the Bible about companionship:

*Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

*As it is, there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" (1 Corinthians 12:20-21)

Thanks for reminding me about this, girl. So remember, there is absolutely nothing wrong in asking for help and support when you really need it.

Need a hand, an ear or a shoulder today? Borrow mine. =)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Why i love small children n' babies

Recently i realised the very reason why i love the little ones: Well, cos' they need to receive and also give to me my very top l o v e l a n g u a g e - Physical Touch.

(How do i know my top love language? Look

Do not be alarmed thinking that i love people to touch me anyhow and out of the blue. =P I am referring to an intentional warm hug, or friendly nudge on the shoulder, just for the gain of a smile in the hearts. It can also be a playful ruffle of the hair at cheeky moments, or an empathetic rub on the hands or arm when someone needs comfort. Even the slight brush of the heads sort of feels so affectionate, don't you think so?

The little ones, in their vulnerability, boldly ask for love thru' touch ever since they were born out of the wombs. They seek to be cradled tight, to be held in the hand, to be embraced close... these are wordless and priceless deep affirmations of love for them.

And if they receive enough of these, they learn to give the same love boldly in trust and love. Have you ever had a small kid run up to you just to hold your hand or embrace your waist? (most of the time, leg actually, cos' they are not tall enough)

They (usually) don't ask 'Can i hold/hug you?' before doing that.

i love the touch of a child. My 6-yr old cousin Javier likes to insert his hand cheekily into mine while walking, then asking me the most amazing questions in the world. His 11-yr old sister would grab my waist gently. Sometimes my pastor's elder daughter Elsie snuggles up to me to comb my hair with her tiny fingers. The younger daughter Anna falls asleep fast when tired, her head propped on your shoulder beside the neck - all without due notice.

And all these tell me, "i love you, i trust you..." and i feel so loved by the little ones. =)

* * *

Some photos from my recent family trip to Genting :

Mummy & me

With Grandma & Joyce

My Uncle n' wife & kids, Grandma & Mummy

Friday, November 24, 2006

Mirabel in Wonderland | 1.1

These last three months of the year, God has brought me to a number of interesting reflections upon myself and my life. Somehow i feel that i understand myself probably 5% more now.

I wish i have more time to process these reflections. The discoveries come parr-parr-parr upon me like the amusing and weird happenings Alice experienced in Wonderland, sometimes leaving me bewildered, other times exhilarated, leaping in joy or crouching my face in disbelief into my hands...

Here is one self-discovery that might be useful for the people around me (heehee):

When i don't say a thing, i am really tired.

When i blabber nonsense, i am really stressed.

Only now do i realise these mirabhenomenons are non-exchangeable, meaning i do not speak rubbish when i am dead beat (standby mode), and i do not remain senselessly quiet to destress.

Ha, sounds like i am in the second mode now. :S

Monday, November 20, 2006

House Ideas

Wall decals from Blik.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It was a beautiful Saturday

[11 November 2006]

For an account of the Sports Carnival, check out my daughter Amanda's post on our cluster blog. By the way did i tell you that the Yp12 team for female Captain's Ball is one of the top two teams to vie for the championship on 25 nov? *winks* Haha. Remember to catch us in action then! =p

Monday, November 13, 2006

i love this picture

sis Lindee and me

Friday, November 10, 2006

Look at my Biiigggg family

... so big that you cannot even see me and my poor girls in the picture (even in the enlarged version when you click on it). :S

Nonetheless i still love my YCYPAO family. =p

* * *

Been diarrhoea-ing for the past three days; stomach's been churning hard again. Wonder what went wrong cos' i had been eating properly. *Dinggg* Too much coffee?? Hmm...

You know, i do not really like people to fuss over me about my stomach churns or any slight discomfort/sickness in my body. I do not like people to know, cos' i think they are not-that-serious-matter. On the other hand, i fuss over others whenever they are not feeling well, even in the least sense.

So God asked me this question (not for the first time): Why do you find it harder to receive love than to give?

Is it so hard to trust in others' love for you?

Probably cos' i learnt to give without expectations, but i want to receive while expecting the person to give to me the way i want (Hey that sounds pretty selfish too). Maybe it is b'cos i am simply too proud to tell anyone i need him/her... O Lord, let my defenses break down.

This is what God has been speaking to me about f a m i l y :

" .. in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others (Romans 12:5). The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" (1 Corinthians 12:21)"

My dear family, both natural and spiritual, please bear with me as i learn to let God tear away my brave front more and more, and help me to receive your love for me thoroughly. Yes i say to you now, i need every of you. *grins*

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Chewing Good Dinner

Dinner feast with Ps Victor and Ps Kelly last night @Thai Express, Raffles City. The dishes were... unexpectedly yummy. =)

This was what i made the party gang sing after we said grace:

Chew chew chew it well
Everything you eat
Chew it and chew it and chew it and chew it
Your rice, your fish, your meat..

with each of us holding a chicken wing/drum.
How about that huh? haha.

Hey you can sing it too; it's according to the tune of 'Row row row your boat'. (Not sure how it sounds, go to this youtubbie. But there's a disclaimer (font-size must be tiny): If you tumble off your chair during/after the video, it is not my fault) *giggles*

Wah... wanna dance like him?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Captured Moments from last year's Youth Camp

(View here)

SO, are you coming with me for this year end's Youth Camp - PowerHouse??

[400-youths Camp on 19-21 December, East Coast Parkway, sleep in pitched tents!]

Email me for details now! =)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

it's musical time!

i shall make a date with the Phantom next March.

The last time i watched it was when i was in... primary school!

* * *

For a great musical, you do not have to wait too long. Come December, the magic musical production MAGIC OF LOVE will be performing at Max Pavilion, Expo. Come to be stunned, electrified and yet touched by the *magic* of Love...

[ Click on banner to view an animated snowfall]

Come with me? =)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

If you are happy and you know it...

i can't believe we looked this happy while being so tired in Japan.'s GOD's JOY!! *winks* Love ya, Tokyo Raiders! =)