Monday, March 20, 2006

Stumbles do not need to paralyse us.

[Please click on image above to view the Flash Slideshow]

For the topic of resilience, the Thumbs-up! Life Coaches of Choa Chu Kang Secondary, namely Anthony, Dawn and myself, wanted our Coachees to meet Darren, who is a warm deaf brother from the Silent Ministry of my church.

Darren had willingly come (thanks to bro Benruth for making the arrangement & in the translation) to share his life story with the youths, who gave their full attention to him as he handsigned his sharing. His was a life of resilience and courage which has truly encouraged not just the youths, but also mine. :)

A word to the youths: You are all leaders of today, not tomorrow. And this does not mean that you have to be perfect. Boldly admit your weaknesses, yet telling yourselves that your lives do not have to be hindered because of them. God has a wonderful purpose for each of your lives. And i pray for Him to grant you the strength and courage to pick yourselves up from every stumble. :)


"i do not need anyone when i am weak!"

it is no coincidence that i read this devotional straight after i posted my message above to the youths. God wants me to admit that, yesh i too struggled and still do (very much lesser though) to send out appeals of neediness and help to even my loved ones; the cries of the author in the devotional sound so much like mine at times.

But today i want to tell all of you now, yes even the youths, 'Stay and keep watch with me when i am in need. Cos' i will need you, even if it's just a listening ear or a smile to let me know that you are here.' *grins*

And i hope you do the same too, to allow me in when you need me. *hugs*


Anonymous said...

dear mirabel,
i'm joanne :) im from fcbc, from ps kelly's and ps victor's tribe..just wanna say that ur blog is refreshing and inspiring.

and so sweet...ur spirit.

just seeing u trust God and that stability u have in Him..

u've blessed me..thanks :)

take care,joanne

mirabop said...

Dear joanne, thanks for popping by! :) Praise God for having blessed your heart here. Let's continue clinging unto the Lord - our shelter, portion, deliverer, strong tower! :)