Thursday, November 10, 2005

How would you answer these questions?

1. Why do I look forward to the Big Move?
We are moving to claim our God-given inheritance - a new land flowing with milk and honey!

2. What do you want to see on 11 Dec at the Expo Max Pavilion?
Like in Exodus 40:34, The cloud covers the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of the LORD fills the tabernacle. I want to see the faces and hearts of every person in the family glow in such an exceptional way, cos’ we are going to reflect the glory of God in the place! We have to come together in a manner that proclaims the greatest victory Jesus had already won for us in our lives!

3. What is your prayer for the Big Move?
I pray that God comes springclean every of our lives, help us sieve out the redundant of the past, pack our every emotion, feeling and thought in alignment to His, and ride us upon His presence towards Expo!

4. How do you see God moving in the Big Move?
Definitely very much in His people, God has been moving and testing our hearts. I am sure the Israelites had sporadic moments of uncertainty, fear and even disbelief at God’s promise of and His leading them to the new land, all of which could only be overcome by one word, faith.

The way God has been granting salvations and performing miracles in our family, and helping us build family with other nations are sneak previews to His coming BIG plans for the church. But will we choose to cling unto His promises, without seeing the big picture? What about the unanswered prayers? All these are questions God have been intensively and intimately asking us in His ‘hinted’ Moves.

5. Three things that make you excited about the Big Move.
1) It’s BIG!
2) God Himself is moving!
3) GOD!

1 comment:

かみさまのこ said...

Charles here ah... scanned thru ur old entries. I thank God for ur heart. Really touched me a lot.

Everyday when I walk around outside.. i see many ppl in darkness. And I thank God there is a sister like u who has a heart for ppl. Continue to press on for God.

The Lord is with u. And Ps Victor's words will stand. U're going to unlock the hearts of ppl and bring them back to the Lord.
