Thursday, October 27, 2005


i thought of putting 'I HAVE MOVED' as my msn nick just now.

Then it dawned upon me that, just like in reality, i cannot move till i have brought everything i have 'to light', sieved the unwanted (or desirables-no-more), and packed the rest properly for my journey to the new place.

i am now only at stage one. (Screams within me: And The Big Move is only seven weeks away?!!!)

A major decision-making process very recently prompted the start of my life's springcleaning. i had to consider through almost every area of my life, though remaining quiet in my heart to hear God's small still voice was in fact, all that i really needed to do. Everything was brought to light, through the threshing machine...and much of the seeds of thoughts did fall to the ground to bear root in my God-given life purpose and His values of eternal value.

i thanked God so much that i became sure that i am free from the clutches of many worldly pursuits. Sieving the impurities - probably stage two has even begun beyond my consciousness. (Hey God You are preparing me for the Big Move yeah? :) )

Stage three? The Lord said to me,"From this day on I will bless you." (Haggai 2:19)

i think i have to lead my gals to initiate a life-springclean soon. God, bring to Light, and take away every spirit that is not of You. i sensed prayerlessness, and lack of faith. 'May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify us through and through. May our whole spirits, souls and bodies be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.' (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

Have you begun your springcleaning today? God is moving. Don't let excess baggage impede or even pause you. The airlines know that fully well.


Alvin said...

a blog which i'll come again, good read.

Blessings! :)

mirabop said...

thanks alvin! :)

may the good Lord bless you. :)