Wednesday, January 05, 2005

humility and simplicity - motto for the year!

When you sincerely ask God to humble you, He REALLY will. Haa....Praise Him!!

Towards the end of last year, i realised my heart had been getting more prideful, fundamentally due to the many blessings and achievements He has graciously granted me in a mere year.

It IS amazing to have so much of His grace upon you, to be bestowed so much more than you can ask for. His favor seems to follow you around too! For all these, my heart of gratitude towards Him overflows. But satan also took the chance to slip into me a dreadful trait - self pride.

I felt it very strongly, cos alot of times, i begun to bear thoughts of slight contempt towards people around me, even towards God's blessings for them, like "hey they dont deserve that much". This judgemental streak sneaked up on me occasionally, especially when i let my Christward guards down. And my, how it stirred up turbulences in me!

Thank God, He finally convicted me to kneel before Him in where else but my favorite praying corner - the toilet (this time, the office's)- and my spirit just cried out to Him to humble me. Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast and humble spirit within me." (Italiced words are my own)

And guess what, He really did! Today i felt a whole new humble spirit within me. No longer am i obsessed with the desire of having more and more girls under me, but i'm brought back to the only most fundamental duty which i need to fulfil - To just go all out and Love everyone. Cos' they are all God's people.

As the evening dawned, i was brought to this verse "..for the Son of God came to serve, and not to be served.." -Matthew 20:28

If that's Jesus's destiny on earth, that should be my very purpose on earth too!

I came to earth to serve, and not to be served!

Humility leads me to think Simplicity. Oh yesh God, there are many things on earth which i wanted, but i didnt need them. Wow, i feel much free-er in my spirit man!

An immediate application then came when i reached home. I was late for dinner; my family began dinner. Last time i would bear a silent little grudge about why nobody went to scoop rice for me. But hey, i came to serve, not to be served. No little grudge tonight!

Hooray, praise God!!!

Once again He set me free.

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