Thursday, November 11, 2004


Father bless my cell sisters. Make each of them beautiful in Your every way for them, rise them up in Your faith and courage, both in life and in serving You. Protect their hearts Father; may Your Love be the shield for them against the wounds and temptations of the world. May Your powerful anointing continue to dwell upon my spiritual leader yvonne; may she never lose faith in You about any of us, especially when we stray away.


Father bless my gals to become Sarahs in Your eyes. May You rise up even the smallest seed of faith in their hearts to serve You faithfully in David Club and even in the mundaneness of their lives and routines. May their faces glow with Your radiance of Light each day. For those taking their Os now, Father i ask of You again to bless them mightily with Your strength and confidence.


Father bless my family, my dearests. Guide my dad, mum and bro with Your peace, love and light each day, even if they have not found You. May You continue to use me mightily to reveal Yourself in my family.
Oh Lord bless the relationship between my grandparents as well. I lift it all up into Thy hands.


Father bless bro bun much in his work, his walk with Jesus, with his boys and his family, especially his dad. Bless his heart Lord, that it would be ever protected from the lies and distractions of the devil. May he wake up each day only to feel Your grace, hear Your breath and take in the sweet aroma of Christ.


Father bless bro joshua as he's rushing mad for his project submission in shanghai now. May Your sovereignty reveal as You perform the miracle in his project- that he can finish so much more than he can ever imagine. Bless him with a beautiful time as his parents and bro sebestian fly over tomorrow to visit him.


Father bless my sister lilin and selynn especially, and protect their minds from satan. Seal their hearts in the kingdom of God, ever nurtured and beautified.


Father bless bro kern and shawn in their work in san francisco. Thank You Lord for letting kern excel in his school work; thank You that we can proclaim Your highest glory in it so much. Keep him strong in Your embrace.


Father bless my dear bro alvin. Thank You Lord for strengthening him so much at these moments when he just feels so weak and lost. Thank You Father for bringing him into a community and family of Love; Father i trust that you will bring him to stay in where he truly belongs.


Father bless my dear dear bro jon. I do miss him really, after all i have been so used to being in tune with his deepest feelings and thoughts. Didnt even catch a glimpse of him in school that whole night, but that's of course of least importance. I pray of You Father to keep him close within Your sight, Your boundaries, and Your Love, no matter how hard he tries to hide and run from You now. Father i hold unto the vision of his return.


Father bless my conversation with joan tomorrow!!! May it be seasoned and overflow with Your grace. Teach me what to say Father, how to effectively share about Your love with her. May You use me and the book Purpose Driven mightily, as You open her mind and heart to receive more and more of You into her life. Father, let me understand her barriers, her concerns, and may i be able to even speak through these with Your wisdom and grace. Yesh, tmrw 10am!


Last but not least, Father i thank You for all that You are, cos they are all that i need.

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