Saturday, October 04, 2008

Can you dream?

Was sharing with a spiritual brother in his car what Jesus spoke to me about His heart for the lost when i was in Shanghai. The conversation went on to my endeavours with the Boys' Home like this.

Me: I guess the best thing i could and wanted to do for the boys was to project a positive future into each of their minds. A lot of them simply can't see their lives beyond a day; they live day by day.

Him: Well that is cos' they cannot dream. (this put a startling silence in my heart)
If they cannot believe they can achieve their aspirations, there is no point dreaming at all...

I then remembered when i was in secondary school and JC, i was also hesitant to dream much. Yes, i was in very good schools - River Valley High and Hwa Chong Junior College, but deep inside my heart i needed to find my identity and purpose more than anything else.

What about you?

If you are currently schooling, are you dreaming? Do you dare to dream?

If you are already working, do you grimace knowing that you have shortchanged yourself from dreaming all these while?

I am curious to find out your answer.


louisa said...

Thanks for this message

Guess I didn't quite dare to dream too big a dream and I still caution myself this way today.

Maybe I should re-visit those dreams I didn't quite dare to dream =)

mirabop said...

Dear Louisa,

Your dreams live in your heart as long as you do not let them go. Thus it is never too late to, like what you said, revisit them. You might be surprised that you may be more ready to pursue them now than ever! :)

God bless with His courage and strength in every step! Keep me updated if you'll like? :)