(Alternative Post Title: When Christine kissed Phantom)
I watched the Phantom of the Opera on Tuesday, my second time since my primary school days. Gosh. Ha
There was a scene that especially captivated and touched me. Nope, not the part when Raoul and Christine serenaded to each other. But the part when Christine kissed the .unmasked. Phantom.
(For the sake of those who do not know, the Phantom is a horribly disfigured and deformed musical genius, as depicted in Gaston Leroux's originial 1910 novel of the Phantom of the Opera. Modern editions of the musical downplayed the extent of his disfiguration.)
It was at that scene, that moment, when the hardness of the Phantom's heart fell away.
It was then he decided he could let go for the best of his love, for the sake of love.
It was at that point ironically, when he finally found acceptance.
I wonder how many of us wear a mask in life.
Nope, it does not have to be physical deformity. But because of past rejections from loved ones and friends, many people do not dare to be themselves. They feel ugly. Some try so hard to dress or behave like another person that they lose themselves.
Let me clarify that it is okay to slow down revealing all of who you are, especially your weaknesses, to other people until you feel more assured that you can trust them.
But i suspect most of us let our self worth hinge on the opinion of the world so much, that we live lives through a mask and seek desperate means to
conceal our flaws, weaknesses and mistakes. If someone else finds out about them, bang! No longer can we lift our heads high. (When Christine snatched the Phantom's mask away out of curiosity, he was intensely agonised and ran around frantically, covering his face with his hands).
Now, let's turn the scenerio back to when Christine kissed Phantom.
Finally someone looked beyond the flaws on his face.
On a surface which nearly every person scorned at and rejected, Christine instilled love, acceptance and grace, which seeped right through to the heart and softened it.
+ Do you feel like Phantom today?
I don't know if there's anyone around you who accepts you unconditionally. But i know Jesus always will. He did that for me, received me into His arms time and time again, whether i did well, did badly, felt beautiful or not. He is the only one who can give unconditional love and acceptance at all times anyway.
Let the magical touch of Christ' love and compassion receive you into His arms. If Christine, a human, could soften another's heart amazingly, Christ can change your heart and transform your life beyond your imagination.
+ Do you know any Phantoms around you?
You know them. They live lives behind a mask, and anytime their flaws are exposed, they shrink back in self-defeat and -condemnation.
It is your choice today whether you want to look beyond their mistakes and weaknesses, and offer a heart of compassion and hand of acceptance to them. Remember,
a simple and sincere gesture of love on your part could unlock someone's heart and set him free today.
(Ehh, but please don't go around kissing others flippantly too. Save your best kiss for your husband or wife on your wedding! =) )