Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Break out.... Have fun!

Snowboarding from a cave into the air!

Despite the several criticisms that this video is not good enough to be on the front page of Yahoo!, i still want to applaud the snowboarders for the mighty fun that they had created for themselves. Watch how they scraped and carved their own snow ramps in the cave!

i have not snowboarded before, but i had slided down a high snow slope on a sledge... and mind you, i clung unto the sledge with all my might! Talk about skiing, all i could do in my experiences in Canada and Korea, was to slide backwards uncontrollably on the lowest, most basic slopes. So these guys are really great! *winks*

Ever tried something you cannot imagine yourself doing? Snowboarding's out for me, but i want to do skydiving one day.... most probably with my eyes and fists clasped tight! Ha ha.

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