Monday, January 16, 2006

he did not receive...

it took me quite a while for the news of the death of a church brother to sink in. After Ps Eugene announced it, because i only heard bits and pieces of it, i was still asking someone 'Whose 12 huh?', and only after five minutes into worship did i discover, hey that's the Alvin i know.

i remembered making myself sing through choked tears at the beginning of worship, through the song 'i'm a friend of God'. Shuffling between sadness and the release of it, God reminded me that this wonderful brother had gone to meet the Lord who would have called him friend when their eyes met so close for the first time in Alvin's life.

And before i ever subconsciously join many others in sighing over his young age, i choose to cling unto Hebrews 11:39-40 for my brother: he was commended for his faith, yet he did not receive what had been promised. God had planned something better for him so that only together with him would they be made perfect.

Ironically as it may seem, i had been further strengthened in my faith through this. *grins*

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