Friday, September 23, 2005

tong hua.

Many people view guangliang's tong hua as a depressing song.

But i think it speaks of much joy to me. :)

Nope i do not have a callous heart.

The last line of the song conveys a heartwrenching desire to live happily ever after, to seek the fantasical ending of happiness and bliss. Nope i'm not yet leading a beautiful married life now or anytime soon, but my heart is already so sure the end of my road on earth is marked with joy and blessing, no matter what lies ahead from now. My Bridesgroom is the Lord Jesus; what greater blessing can there be than to have the Bridesgroom of the Church embrace you into the Heavens - where true joy, hope and peace lie?

xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju. :)

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