Tuesday, August 30, 2005

bound by Love.

Last last Sunday my daughters, namely meiqi, selynn, amanda, simin and belinda (poor lizann was sick!), 'sons' cerwin and weiliang, and i had a beautiful time at the movies, singing and swaying to the tunes of willy wonka, willy wonka...., eating willy wonka chocolates (!) and curly fries dipped in icecream. Ha. What extravagance. :P

But the most beautiful part of the day which will never fail to soak my heart in warm joy, is the scene when i was trying out an elegant shawl, and all my daughters would be standing by me, 'serving' me by helping to take my bags voluntarily, twirl the shawl properly around my shoulders, watch me while giving opinions on how it looked on me, putting the ones i tried back on the racks, etc etc. For a second, i was a little embarrassed at having a crowd around me in a small boutique. But gosh, i really felt like a 'mother' at those moments!!

love ya all! :> Thanks for loving me...

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