Saturday, October 27, 2007

An episode in my life - Love Letters Part I to catch a breather through a post before you guys forget about my blog! =p

I have no intention of abandoning this blog, but i have been very much focused on my work which is suddenly... into its 4th month! (To find out more about my work, go here)

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Anyway one of my very old friends just showed me his latest blog post, and boy, i was laughing out loud in my living room as i read it. He wrote about...

a love letter...

that he wrote...

for me........................ on someone's behalf!

And mind you, that love letter episode happened when we were in... primary school.

Read it here.

I do not exactly remember the incident but i vaguely recalled myself tearing the love letter up (or did i?). Ha so drama mama. Well i don't know where i got such wisdom from, but i really believed at that age, we knew nothing about true love!

I think these were some of the 'dao' (unfriendly) faces i gave this dear classmate during that time.

Flipping though these old photos, i realised i looked rather dao too when i was even younger!



~jo~ said... are still so pretty! :)

lazychair said...

Hahaha! Yes, that's the face I remember! Wow, you didn't change much at all! Ok, maybe a little taller...

Anonymous said...

they are such a cute pictures!!