Friday, February 10, 2006

scene of Obihiro from hotel room

And this looks like it came out of a fantasy storybook called "winter wonderland"! The intersection of the line of pine trees is a clever adornment of the shot, giving it perspective, and colors in harmony.

i think my mum and i really enjoy this little magical touch of photography, especially when we are travelling. :)

Come to think of it, we do share quite a few interests. My mum loves dancing too; she was actually the one who exposed me to dancing. Even though it was a passion which she only fervently pursues later on after her marriage, this little dream seed was sown right from her teenage days, and took root in my heart as well. Just like how the seed in each of us sprouted and grew into a little greenie that loves to swing, swirl and sway in the winds of our passion, my mum and i enjoy wholeheartedly, the little jaunts to many tunes that lift our spirits so high. *winks*

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